Luke Taylor has a secret to share: WE'RE ALL CLONES.
Again and again, month after month, this book proves to be an exceptional experience. One not to miss. Read Full Review
At this point in the series if you haven't been reading it than you're screwed. I don't know if there will ever be a point that someone could just jump on the series and understand everything that is going on, but that's also the reason why I love it. The overall story is so complex and only getting more and more complex by the issue. If you want to see what it's like, go ahead and start with this issue and then pick up the trade or something to start from the beginning. It's so close to perfection, but for now it's just a fantastic monthly series. Read Full Review
Man, I love CLONE. This is one of my favorite month-to-month series that I read. It's an interesting story. It's written well. The art is amazing. Month after month, this book delivers. This issue is filled with action and some interesting plots. I find myself enjoying these other cloned characters, including Gamma and Beta, as well as the Tattooed Clone. My biggest problem with the book is that CLONE tends to rarely tell you the names of the characters within the book. While playing the "name game" is insanely annoying, especially when the writer has a character say it over and over, this is the opposite. Aside from that, CLONE is a book you should be reading. Read Full Review
"Clone" delivers on the promises it makes. Right now, it's racing through an action thriller. If you've bought into the series, you'll enjoy the frantic pace of this issue. If you're new, this is a good issue to look forward to reading. It might not be literary high art, but "Clone" continues to be the kind of non-stop action comic that more should aspire to. Read Full Review
Clone is still a great story, the pacing is just too quick for this particular issue. It makes everything feel fast and frantic like it's supposed to be, but you're left wanting to see a little more of certain story segments. Overall though, it is fast, fun, and action packed. Read Full Review