"THE DEVIL'S DEVIL," Part Three-Wizord, the world's most popular wizard (also its only wizard), has undergone a serious setback. So he does what many of us do in such situations-heads for a local watering hole, accompanied by his magical familiar, Margaret the koala. But while Wizord is drowning his sorrows, his enemies back in the Hole World are preparing to strike!
Curse Words #3 is a solidly entertaining read, if not a complete story in itself. What the issue sets out to do, expand the scope of the book, it does well, and does so with style. Read Full Review
There's a lot going on in Curse Words. Good writing and great art. It's a fun book that I now look forward to with every new release. My one fear is that it won't be able to carry on this level of good-ness for too long. That what is so fresh and fun now will get old and tired after some time. I wonder how long it will be until the shtick wears off, if it ever does. Read Full Review
Soule and Browne know how to cook up a great time. Whether you love or hate fantasy, this book begs your attention. Read Full Review
Ultimately then, while it does lose a little of its uniqueness during the sequences in the Hole World, there's no denying that Curse Words is still a fun, funny and visually striking read. Soule and Browne continue to work in perfect harmony here, and the sheer enthusiasm that these two creators clearly have for this title make it almost impossible not to enjoy. Read Full Review
Although I am concerned with the apparent direction of this series, its still very entertaining, and as the plot thickens, I am still looking forward to what happens next. Read Full Review
The setup and humor here hits the mark, just not on quite the same level as issues past. Read Full Review