"EXPLOSIONTOWN," Part Three-Wizord continues his clever plot to destroy the evil demon Sizzajee, which Sizzajee doesn't even realize because he's working on his clever plot to destroy Wizord. Meanwhile, Ruby Stitch and Margaret visit possibly the most magical place on earth. It's a tour de force of wizardly wit and wisdom!
The series comes across playful, disgusting, and interesting all at the same time. The magic wielders have a rather disturbing but amusing method of showing off their power, whether it's throwing acid based feces, or changing someone into a chair with their face as a seat for punishment, things never seem to be boring. Regardless of some of the rather questionable moments in the comic, the story, art and vibrant colors make Curse Words a top notch read for anyone with a desire to get into something different from any other comic they are reading, it's a fresh idea with some questionable antics thrown in. It won't be for everyone but I'm loving it and I look forward to each new issue. Read Full Review
The seasoned writing skills of this team shine bright in the dialogue of this issue. Fast paced with a quirky edge to it, you may find yourself reading the issue multiple times just to get all the quips. Read Full Review
Do you like Bojack Horseman? Would you like it better if he weren't a horse and retired actor, but a wizard? Then buddy, is there a comic for you. Read Full Review