Drifter #15

Writer: Ivan Brandon Artist: Nic Klein Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: December 14, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
9.3Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Ghost Town is destroyed. The planet Ouro is coming apart at the seams. But even with the world breaking around him, all Abram Pollux can think of is revenge on the man named Bell Emmerich.
Prepare yourself for the beginning of the end in IVAN BRANDON and NIC KLEIN's brooding sci-fi epic DRIFTER. All mysteries will be solved. All questions answered. All scores settled.

  • 9.3
    BGCP - Marco Piva Dec 19, 2016

    In conclusion: Drifter is an extremely interesting but challenging story, and honestly I think that it'd be difficult to start reading it from here " despite the fact that this issue is the beginning of a story arc. In order to try to understand this series, I'd say it's necessary to start from the beginning. The trade paperback collections of the first three arcs –Out of the Night, The Wake and Lit by Fire –are available to purchase: in order to be able to try to understand Drifter, I'd say it'd be extremely useful if not necessary to go back to issue #1(that initially seemed pretty straightforward – little we knew…). Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Marvelrock Dec 15, 2016

    A good issue, but I'm a bit torn on exactly how to rate it. Shockingly enough, at some points in this issue the art falters a bit and it less than superb, but it's generally still very good (especially the colors, as always). As far as the story goes, there is yet another twist that partly brings back Drifter's familiar feeling of "What the f--- is going on?!" and partly intrigues you and makes your mind race trying to put the pieces together. There is enough here for me to have some theories that would explain, in small part, what is going on, but realistically, I probably don't have much of a clue. Still, at this point in the series, it's a bit too confusing/ambiguous for what I'd ideally like. I'm very excited to see how this ends.

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