Home Sick Pilots #15

Writer: Dan Watters Artist: Caspar Wijngaard Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: June 22, 2022 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 5
9.3Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Everything ends. In fire. In truth. In A LOT of house-punching...in the FINAL ISSUE of HOME SICK PILOTS.

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Ingrid Lind-Jahn Jun 23, 2022

    Is there any peace for the ghosts of America and the ghosts of the Old James House? Read Full Review

  • 10
    Get Your Comic On - Dave Jones Jun 27, 2022

    There is no doubt that this is going to be a full mark score, an epic ending to an epic story. The whole series has been a favourite of mine since the first and now it is finished will definitely leave a gaping hole behind. The creative team involved have created one of the greatest series in comics and would love to see more come from this world, I've said it before and I'll repeat again it definitely warrants a TV series or even a film if any of the streaming sites would pick it up and the series has made me want to revisit my punk collection in more depth. If you haven't got involved then you most definitely need to grab one of the collected editions you won't be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Jun 22, 2022

    Wijngaard delivers some beautifully detailed and powerful imagery throughout the issue. The characters, action and panels are all visually stunning. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Jun 29, 2022

    In completion, Watterss story has a dreamy feel about it. Watters and Wijngaard play with popular imagery...mixing spectral action and comedy with a splash of struggling rock and roll grunge to create something special. Its a clever mutation of horror and fantasy that has so much more potential than a fifteen-issue series. Part of the appeal lies in the stylish ambiguity between Watterss scripts and Wijngaards visuals. Theres a fascinating world between the panels that could be a really fun playground for anyone wanting to play in a similar world of weaponized ghosts. Of course...Watters does leave the possibility open for a sequel series Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicBook.com - Chase Magnett Jun 22, 2022

    The final issue of Home Sick Pilots plays like an epilogue after the climactic events of Home Sick Pilots #14. That isn't to suggest it lacks action or notable developments in character or plot, but these elements are compressed in a fashion that makes it clear the story is wrapping up quickly. Read Full Review

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