The anthology series set on Monkey Meat Island continues with the unfortunate adventures of Haricot, a sweet young boy who falls victim to harsh bullying. When Haricot finally gets the power to assert himself, will he become a hero-or a monster?
A tale of Entitlement, misplaced anger, and ultimate corruption. As told through an island of monkeys. That's good comics, folks. Read Full Review
'Monkey Meat' #2 is another thought-provoking adventure in Juni Ba's unrelenting satirical anthology. It asks some philosophical questions with cutting commentary and over-the-top visuals. It's unlike anything in comics solely because there isn't anyone like Ba so this young creator is full of the type of vigor and vision the industry needs. Read Full Review
Life on Monkey Meat Island is interesting and unexpected. Read Full Review
The art in the second issue of Juni Ba's Image Comics series is a lot easier to follow than in the first. Read Full Review