The only way forward is a return to the past, as Maika and her friends find themselves in an unsettling yet familiar world...
Monstress is always a top notch comic but Monstress #42 somehow manages to take readers into uncharted territory with an unexpected turn for a change, we're going into Zinn's story now even as we're still dealing with Maika's predicament. Read Full Review
Monstress #42 brings the band back together with all the emotion, beauty, and peril one would expect. It has set a solid bar for the coming story arc, and I can't wait to see what this incredible team has to offer as the story unfolds. Read Full Review
After a 6 month hiatus Monstress is back and admittedly I'm a bit lost. So much is going on in this series with so many different plot lines and character arcs I'm not sure who's trying to back stab who or who I'm rooting for the Ancient God Zinn to impale with in bazillions tentacles. However, this issue puts us in the astral realm of dreamworld with just a handful of the main characters chatting on Zinn who has now become a floating orb. Oh, and Maika is now a talking decapitated head who is chatting with her inner child. It's so bonkers it's almost impossible not to love the audacious imagination at play here. Full take at: