Outer Darkness / Chew #2

Writer: John Layman Artist: Afu Chan Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: May 27, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
9.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

The space-faring crew of the Charon has faced death in all its many forms and fought all manner of creatures dark, diabolic, and demonic. Today, they face their deadliest threat yet. Yes, intrepid space travelers, murder has a name-and that name is POYO!

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Ricardo Denis May 27, 2020

    I can honestly say I have absolutely no idea what issue #3 of OD/C is going to bring, and this makes me very happy. Despite Outer Darkness being left out a bit in this part of the story, what Layman, Chan, and Guillory have achieved here is gleefully unique and well worth the price of admission. If you buy one comic this week, make sure it's this one. Read Full Review

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