SFSX #3 (Safe Sex)

Writer: Tina Horn Artist: Alajandra Gutierrez Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: November 20, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
8.1Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

    "HORIZONTAL"-Wonder what it would be like to go behind the scenes at the Dirty Mind? Take a tour of this decadent underworld just as its denizens realize they need to take a stand for everything they believe in. This issue features the talents of guest artist Alejandra Gutiérrez!  

  • 8.4
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Nov 20, 2019

    An issue like this might have worked better as an intro to the series. A departure from the central plot can be fun, but doing so in the third issue runs the risk of derailing narrative momentum as a whole. That being said, Horn and Gutirrez are delivering a fascinating world to the page in the third issue that easily maintains reader interest with the detailed rendering of a fascinating location in the world of SFSX. Artist Michael Dowling returns the next chapter for a story that might do for the Pleasure Center what this issue does for The Dirty Mind. Horn is doing an outstanding job of exploring extremely unique locations in and within a really compelling dystopia. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    On Comics Ground - Elizabeth Fazzio Nov 22, 2019

    This issue of SFSX was drawn and colored by guest 'pop-in' artist Alejandra Gutirrez, which meant that we were treated to a completely different style than we've seen with Michael Dowling's art in the past two issues. Gutirrez's style has softer edges and a more manga-type feel which offers a few moments of cartoon-esque character expressions. It's a fun little departure from the norm. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBook.com - Jenna Anderson Nov 20, 2019

    As a series, SFSX definitely won't be for everyone, but it definitely has so many positive and essential qualities to it. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Chris Coplan Nov 19, 2019

    A mid-series "flashback" provides new insights and emotions. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    I Review Comics Sep 16, 2020

    Normally I have a pet peeve about comics ending in the same spot as the previous issue but Tina Horn won me over. The issue details the events that brought Sylvia and Casey to Avory's doorstep at the conclusion of the previous chapter.

    When I grabbed SFSX #3 I was immediately thrown off by the cover and art style from Alejandra Gutierrez. After reading several pages of the comic I understood the choice and appreciated the art direction even more for it.

    We get to see a typical night at the "Dirty Mind" establishment, how it operates and the events therein. Everything is drawn in an exaggerated cartoony style. It's goofy at first but what it does is diffuse and cleverly obstruct a bulk of the sex acts tak more

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