The Saints #1

Writer: Sean Lewis Artist: Benjamin Mackey Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: October 7, 2015 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 2
7.5Critic Rating
5.5User Rating

Award-winning playwright and This American Life personality  SEAN LEWIS teams with red-hot artist BEN MACKEY for an all-new ONGOING SERIES!  Dexter-style action collides with  a Preacher-esque sensibility in this crime/horror series for mature readers.  Blaise, Lucy, and Sebastian discover a Holy War is erupting and they, unwittingly, are the next generation of Saints poised to fight for a heaven that God has abandoned. The occult rises in  a spectacular, action-packed first issue crammed full  of heavy metal, sex, and deadly one-liners.

  • 9.0
    CourtOfNerds - Drew S. McCarthy Oct 8, 2015

    While I refuse to give anything away about the plot or twists involved in Saints #1 (because you should all go out and buy it), I will say it leaves you hanging. Why are these Saints being brought together? Who is this person drawing them in? And oh my God, what just happened at the end? Saints #1 packs great art and excellent story building into an issue that will cost you only $2.99! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Oct 10, 2015

    Saints is a book where you need to dig a bit to figure out what's going on, issue #1 scatters a bunch of breadcrumbs but I have no idea where they're going to lead me. Are Blaise, Sebastian, and Lucy reincarnated saints? Are they something else? I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find out in time. This is a book that might read really nicely in collected edition format when a bigger chunk of the story is laid out and at least some of the mysteries stand revealed. I'll be back for #2 and #3 and we'll see where the story takes me. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    BGCP - Leighan Harkess Oct 14, 2015

    Not a strong start but the story has a lot of room for improvement. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comicosity - Nikki Sherman Oct 7, 2015

    Saints#1 will interest those who enjoy stories with religious themes, and especially those who like to watch characters grow. I'm inclined to think this book will be as much about a religious war as Blaise's climb to maturity. While he might be pretty unlikeable in this first issue, there's plenty of room for potential and growth alongside his fellow Saints. If the story slows down a little and finds its footing, there's a lot of fun to be had in this world. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Multiversity Comics - Kevin McConnell Oct 9, 2015

    “Saints” is one of those comics that seems destined for something much bigger. Personally I was thinking of Green Day's “Jesus of Suburbia” from American Idiot while I was reading this. The characters are working towards a larger goal even if humanity has no idea what they are doing. The human element of the story shines through making lightening the mood when needed. If this is how the apocalypse is starting, I cannot wait to see how it ends. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Patrick Hellen Oct 9, 2015

    I'm going to say maybe. If this was a pilot episode of a series on Netflix, and I had 20 seconds to decided if I wanted to watch the next one, I'd watch. It's got enough of a seed of interest there for me to be curious, and Benjamin Mackey's art is stylized and odd enough for me to appreciate the page alone. I'll give it a shot, and if by issue 6 I'm not feeling it, then we'll jump ship. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Allen Wiggs Oct 7, 2015

    All in all it was a solid first issue. It succeeded in setting up the characters and the plot. We have conflict and doom in the future, and it was a fun read. I do wish the book was all about Sebastian. Or the "dark, evil" metal band. They were super fun and the only characters who got a multi-page splash panel. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    Synthozoid Oct 30, 2015

    Great premise, horrible execution. This reads like self-published garbage you get talked into buying in the back row at a comic convention. It has a losing combo of trite dialog that's dying to be witty and high school art class drawings. I read the whole thing and dropped it right in the trashcan.

  • 10
    PaulM22 Dec 9, 2020

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