Winter has come and the decision is made to move the camp to a safer area. With such harsh weather conditions, Rick and company realize the zombies all around them are the least of their worries. As a bad situation somehow gets worse, Rick and his family find themselves wondering, "What next?" What next, indeed...
I originally came to this title looking for zombie-filled horror. But instead, I've discovered one of the smartest "post-apocalyptic" tales around. This isn't a genre that I normally have much interest in, but Kirkman's skillful exploration into the challenges of survival has won me over. Moreover, the astute study of these characters, laboring to persevere in spite of the madness around them, has been top-notch with psychological insights. This is a superb title. I highly recommend it. Read Full Review
The Walking Dead Deluxe
Issue: 7
Publisher: @imagecomics & @skyboundent
Writer: @robkirkman
Artist: @charlie_adlard
Colorist: @dave.mccaig
Cover: @dfinchartist
Original Cover: @coloneltonymoore
Letterer: @ruswooton
Carl has shot and killed Shane. His one time hero has turned into a threat when he pointed a gun at his father Rick. Now the group mourn their former leader yet there’s a sense of relief that he’s gone because of how unstable he became. The survivors turn to Rick to lead them to safety. As winter sets in, Rick and the survivors discover that the walkers all around them are the least of their worries.
This issue really starts to display Rick Grimes is more
Charlie Adlard is a good artist, but I liked previous one more... The story is still awesome
The first arc of the Walking Dead wrapped up beautifully and this new arc kicks off almost as well. The group are now trying to move on to a new camp. New and interesting characters are introduced there is great dialogue between the new character and Rick. Then there is a pretty big bomb dropped to wrap up the issue.
18.05.21 — 8,5
It is in this issue that Rick Grimes officially steps into the leader position for the group. His first major act is to galvanize the grip into vacating the camp and heading away from walker-filled Atlanta. While out on the road, he encounters Tyreese, and the two alpha males become fast friends.
An issue ago, Rick told Carl that killing another human being should always be different from merely taking out a walker. And yet in this issue Tyreese confesses that he felt no guilt in pummeling his daughter’s near-rapist to death. Way more intriguing than Rick and Tyreese’s hilariously drawn out and way overcomplicated showdown with two roamers is there poignant dialogue about how the post-Apocalyptic world they reside in changes more
The change in art is jarring. I miss the first artist.