Witch Doctor: Mal Practice #5

Writer: Brandon Seifert Artist: Lukas Ketner Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: March 27, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 1
8.1Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

In one corner: Dr. Vincent Morrow, the Witch Doctor. In the other: the parasite he's been infected with. And you won't believe where the battlefield is! Physician, heal thyself - or else!

 "A superbly smart and riveting medical thriller filled with off-the-wall characters" - Fangoria

  • 8.5
    Front Towards Gamer - FTG Contributor May 28, 2013

    Witch Doctor is tied to Robert Kirkman of Walking Dead under the Image umbrella. Unless you're a naked native of the Outback I know you've at least heard of The Walking Dead. Theirs is the comic to television success story that all others will be measured by. I think Witch Doctor can make that jump just a successfully, but it will take the fans to make it happen. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geekality - Mar 28, 2013

    Image has been giving creators some awesome chances in creating short series' and Witch Doctor Mal Practice is just another solid example of that. In the end, I have to say that this comic was a great read and could very well convince most readers to dive in and purchase the rest of the issues. So readers be warned, if you read this comic you may be putting a deeper whole into your pocket (certainly worth it for this comic!). Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran Mar 28, 2013

    What the future holds is uncertain, but with this new character growth, it is sure to be interesting. This is still one strong title. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Jorge Solis Mar 29, 2013

    With just one issue away from its conclusion, “Witch Doctor: Mal Practice” #5 keeps adding the action, humor, and suspense. The “Witch Doctor” series remains a constant fun and entertaining read. I can't wait to see how this story arc ends. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Carl Boehm Mar 27, 2013

    Only one issue left in this series, so grab it while you can. You will enjoy rereading this book down the road. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Russell Mar 30, 2013

    Witch Doctor is a densely woven tale with plenty of action and a mountain of humor to boot and if you love a good monster and magic story then Witch Doctor Mal Practiceshould be on your pull-list. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Poet Mase Mar 27, 2013

    The last time we reviewed this title, it had a brief stumble, but the last two issues have proven that those problems were the exception and not the rule. It's very cool to see two creators that are so committed to a title that they built from nothing and brought to the big stage of comics. Seifert and Ketner have shown once again that they are capable of bringing this subgenre to even larger realms of popular consciousness. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    GreyMouser Mar 27, 2013

    _$3, 22pgs; all ADs @ back___ .Im still enjoying this series quite a bit, And even more then the last series. It moves on with the Dr's self-treatment into some conflict with the top creeps, moving the story forward well. Brandon Seifert brings all the witty banter and fun of previous issues, and a great astral battle. i love how WitchDoctor builds and sticks with its Mythos so well. It is really grounded and well developed, pulling me into believing and understanding the supernatural their way, even when it can be such a humorous book. Lukas Ketner's art continues to impress and i love his little details and layouts. Some very nice colors from Andy Troy, creating great mood but bight still colorful and not too dark.

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