Long Cold Winter #1

Writer: Francesca Perillo Artist: Stefano Cardoselli Publisher: Mad Cave Studios Release Date: December 4, 2024 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
8.2Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

+ Pull List

In the not-too-distant future, the air on Earth has become unbreathable. However, a multinational company called Air Co. has constructed generators that provide oxygen for those who can afford it. Peace Dog, a desperate ex-soldier, who has been willing to do anything to obtain breathable air is haunted by his past and hunted by bounty hunters, though, he may have found a way out of his current predicament by helping a mysterious robot child escape the dangerous and congested city. But, someone from his past has no intention of letting him leave...alive.

  • 9.0
    Capes & Tights - Justin Soderberg Nov 25, 2024

    Long Cold Winter stands out from the crowd with an entertaining tale that evokes thoughts of how we rely on technology and our treating of our home planet Earth. Francesca Perillo delivers yet another wonderful story with depth and brought to life by the unique art style of Stefano Cardoselli in this new series from Mad Cave Studios. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Watch - Theron Couch Dec 2, 2024

    This world and the story that takes place within it has potential. Peace Dog and The Kid make for an odd duo. And as the issue goes on, there is a blending of science fiction and western that hopefully plays out in greater depth over the course of the series. But its the art that sells this book. For now Long Cold Winter #1 is a detailed and colorful experience. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Nerd Initiative - Mickey Smith Dec 4, 2024

    Long Cold Winter is vibe. I love it, I really do. The story at the moment is very simple and predictable in nature, but I find that is the charm of it. It helps that the characters keep you invested and I know there will be some surprises along the way. This was great set up. The artwork alone makes this great pickup. You could honestly take the dialogue out completely and still follow along with what was happening! But it helps that Buddy Beaudoin's letter work compliments the artwork and character styles. I think this is one of those books to keep a look out for going forward! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Lotusland Comics - Hank Rea Dec 4, 2024

    'Long Cold Winter' has a unique aesthetic that's irresistible and has a certain charm despite the inherent danger around every corner. The story is anchored by just the two protagonists and smartly written by Perillo. It's enough to keep readers glued in an otherwise familiar plot. Along with Cardoselli's stunning visuals, 'Long Cold Winter' seems poised to be one hell of a ride.  Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Dec 4, 2024

    Long Cold Winter #1 isn't a bad start, it's just a very generic story. The characters don't have much personality and the plot isn't anything new. It doesn't stand out from what's come before and so many other choices out there. Read Full Review

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