Amazing Spider-Man #516

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Mike Deodato Jr., Joe Pimentel Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 6
5.5Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

SKIN DEEP PART 2 Another pulse-pounding issue of Amazing Spider-Man done in the stupendous Straczynski style! Peter must confront a foe who- like himself- was given amazing powers during a science experiment gone awry. But why does this adversary blame Peter for the mishap in the laboratory, and just how far will he take his quest for vengeance?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 3, 2005

    Mike Deodato turns in some lovely work on this issue, as how can one not be impressed by the sheer effectiveness of the opening scene where the fire-fighters have their tragic encounter with Charlie, as it plays up the idea that they are out of their element, and they pay a pretty steep price for their efforts. The art also manages to play up the idea that Charlie is forever trying to avoid paying the price for his mistakes, as his rage is perfectly presented on the final page, as he demands Peter's help. I also rather enjoyed the cover image, as it does a lovely job of selling the big crisis of the issue, while presenting a compelling image that leaves one curious about the story inside. As for the flashback material that Mark Brooks offers up, the art does a pretty effective job of conveying this more innocent era, while also playing up the impending danger of important scenes like when Charlie is ready to lash out the bullies with a knife. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Feb 7, 2005

    Im of two minds about the book: in one way, the victim-turned-bully story is always an interesting and globally relevant one, and is being handled in a fairly sensitive and even-handed way here, managing to convey a real connection between Weiderman and Parker and introducing a fairly interesting new villain character to boot. However, theres a sense that JMS is dragging his heels in providing any kind of real action or immediacy to the story, and as part two of a 4-part tale, there really should be more happening by now. Still, its worth a look for big Spidey-fans, and there might be enough on offer from the effective artwork to hook in casual readers. Its not the best Spidey comic Ive read this month, and certainly not JMSs best work on the title, but theres some promise to be found: lets hope the third and fourth chapters deliver something more than a standard formulaic conclusion. Read Full Review

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