Amazing Spider-Man #518

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Mike Deodato, Mark Brooks Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 7
5.5Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

SKIN DEEP CONCLUSION Throughout the years, there's always been one place that Peter Parker could turn to seek refuge from the storm- no matter how vicious life became, he's always had Aunt May's home in Queens. Until now, that is. In this remarkable issue, Peter's life is changed forever.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 31, 2005

    Mike Deodato turns in another fine effort, with his strongest work coming on the action sequences, as they are both high energy affairs that manage to convey a very real sense of excitement. The danger that Charlie poses to Spider-Man is perfectly presented in the scene where Spider-Man finds himself trapped in his crushing grip, and the steps that he takes to escape were a great display of raw power. The final battle between the two also had itself some solid visuals, as I loved the panel where Spider-Man uses the two cars to trap Charlie and the scene where he smashes into the lab was also quite exciting. The dramatic impact of the final page was also extremely well done, as Aunt May's body language sells the emotional weight of this scene perfectly. I'm also a big fan of Joe Jusko's art so getting a cover from him was a pleasant surprise. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Mar 28, 2005

    Also, the shock ending of the final page seems to have been shoehorned in for purely editorial reasons, instead of to provide any real dramatic impact. The destruction of Aunt Mays house is almost an academic issue for followers of Spidey anyway: in Millars "Marvel Knights" title shed already sold up and moved out to Pete and MJs flat in the city, and in the Amazing title shes been hanging around with the young couple more and more anyway. The whole things smacks of a need to pull various titles threads together and move Pete in with the New Avengers in order to serve the needs of that book. Whilst there may be laudable intentions continuity-wise, its a heavy-handed and incongruous cap to this story. Read Full Review

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