Amazing Spider-Man #539

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Ron Garney Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 21, 2007 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 9
5.8Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

BACK IN BLACK Part 1. Reeling in the aftermath of the Civil War that's wracked the Marvel Universe, Peter Parker has got plenty of reasons to consider a change of wardrobe. Black is his state of mind. But the worst is yet to come for Spider-Man.

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Mar 18, 2007

    Garney doesnt succumb to the tendency to have Peter be all gangly and elongated in his wiry arachnid outfit; rather, hes very much the angry young man, emphasis on the man. He looks strong, athletic and intimidating. Peter is taking responsibility. Hes doing it emotionally, as always, because thats the only way he knows. The outcomes and his future are definitely in doubt, but judging from this intense issue, it looks like this extreme phase will be a wild ride. The villain is all too predictable in his behavior, but perhaps JMS and Peter will put a new spin on that inevitable confrontation, too. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Mar 18, 2007

    So it looks like Spider-Man, but acts and sounds like Batman. I dont think anything really dramatic is going to come out of this. If May dies or Peter actually kills somebody, then Ill be shocked. Now, Im just waiting for the next big surprise, if any. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Mar 18, 2007

    Ron Garney turns in some odd panels here and there (theres one particularly distorted panel in which Peter looks like his face has melted), and his depiction of Aunt May as the dusty old biddy of the Ditko era rather than JRJRs more modern interpretation annoys me far more than it should, but on the whole hes settled in nicely as this titles penciller, producing solid if unflashy work. Straczynskis script is adequate, certainly a step up from some of the aberrations of earlier parts of his run, but nowhere near his heights, due mostly to that overly familiar feel to proceedings. All in all, this is a good solid issue of Amazing, with no major flaws other than that strange feeling that Marvel are trying to pass off copies of decades-old storylines as something new and exciting, and thats just not good enough. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Handley Mar 18, 2007

    Unfortunately, I just dont really care all that much about where this story goes. Its nice to see Spidey back in black and the possibility of Aunt Mays demise will no doubt have Spider-fans waiting impatiently for the end of this arc. But for the casual reader, this drawn out, will she, won t she situation is slightly annoying, and theres not enough else to really make me want to stick around. Having said that, I will no doubt flick through upcoming issues to see if the old dear makes it or not, I just wont be buying them. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Mar 18, 2007

    There are some nice details in Straczynskis writing: I like the fact that Petes public outing would prevent him from being at Mays side when she needs him most, and the fact that (as with his origin story) Spidey is driven by his wish to atone for his own recklessness with regard to his responsibilities makes the drama feel very fitting for the character. However, it only goes to show what an exceedingly dunder-headed move it was for Pete to publicly expose himself in the first place - again, for no good reason - adding further fuel to the arguments of those who feel that Civil War rode roughshod over established characterisation for the sake of a few cheap shocks. Whilst the art does much to make the book an enjoyable read (I love that final splash of Spidey in his black costume - an effective image even though the mechanics of him hiding his costume away dont make sense and the surprise was spoiled by numerous other Spidey-related books in recent weeks), the weaknesses of the s Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Mar 22, 2007

    I'm simply not digging the direction that JMS is going with this story. I have no desire to read about Spider-Wolverine. This isn't why I look forward to reading Spider-Man every month. JMS went way to over the top with this new blood lust Spider-Man. If you dig a violent killer Spider-Man then you will most definitely love this new direction for Spider-man. Read Full Review

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