Amazing Spider-Man #555

Writer: Zeb Wells Artist: Chris Bachalo Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 2, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 7
7.7Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

Month Four of Brand New Day is upon us and so is the worst blizzard in the history of New York City! It's colder than an outdoor hockey game in January out there and your favorite Wall-Crawler (aided by his Avengers buddy, Wolverine) must find his way through the cold to rescue a doctor who may know the real secret behind the deadly storm.

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 2, 2008

    Sure, the villains (what little we see of them) come across as goofy, and the Wolverine guest appearance is a bit pointless, but this is by far the most fun I've had with BND so far. It seems a lot of seasoned Spidey writers could learn a thing or two from the relative rookie Wells. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Apr 2, 2008

    Has Amazing Spider-Man returned to its former glory? Nope, but it certainly looks closer than it has since One More Day began. For me, a lot of it has to do with this being a mostly timeless Spidey story. While I'm not sold on the changes, for this storyline, it doesn't really matter who Peter lives with, it doesn't matter who knows his identity, and it doesn't matter whether he's married or not, so that really appealed to me. For the first time since Brand New Day began, I'm feeling confident, rather than hopeful, that the next issue will be a good read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Apr 4, 2008

    If any element of the issue really fails to meet expectations, it's the villains, who so far appear to be some fairly generic Mayan spirits of some kind. It feels a little bit like a monster-of-the-week "Buffy" episode. The villains aren't really the centerpiece of the issue, however, so we can let it slide for now. The heroes are the star of the piece, and in fact, after seeing Wells' take on Wolverine, I almost want to see how he'd fare on his solo title. With the right mix of comedy, bad luck and old-fashioned action, Wells easily sustains the high standard of Brand New Day's stories, and there's no sign of the Spidey juggernaut slowing down just yet. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Apr 2, 2008

    This new arc's off to a decent start. There's a glaring continuity problem that'll make some readers groan, but we get a rightful explanation in the letters column. Zeb Wells definitely knows his characters, now he just needs to execute on the story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jun 7, 2008

    Im not a fan of Chris Bachalo. His work is confusing and he doesnt seem to care about storytelling. I feel like he takes shortcuts when he draws both anatomy and both when he lays down a page. It seems that omitting certain elements is where he draws his unique style. While some like these omissions, they annoy me. His Spider-man, for example, is not overly muscular. He looks like a slob with a beer gut and a few extra pounds, instead of being a slim acrobat. Why does Spider-man look like that? Well, Bachalo doesnt like to draw waist lines. So his Spider-man looks like a couch potato without a v shaped torso. His Wolverine looks like a fat sumo wrestler without elbows joints. Elbow joints are a pain to draw for Bachalo. Read Full Review

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