Amazing Spider-Man #58

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: John Romita Jr. Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 9
7.0Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

In a spell gone wrong, Spider-Man and Doctor Strange are tossed in and out of other dimensions!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Sep 26, 2003

    While I watched my socks fly off my feet upon ibibing John Romita's artwork last issue. This issue while still a treat does not quite have the same effect, but I really doubt anything could. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 27, 2003

    A rather plot by numbers issue that requires Spider-Man to act a bit foolishly so that he can become caught up in Doctor Strange's magical battle. I'm also a little disappointed by the idea that the story looks to have shifted from what had been shaping up to be a fairly grandiose battle that featured a pretty sizeable collection of Marvel super-heroes, into a more personal story where it would appear we'll be taken on a tour of Spider-Man's 500 issues of history. Now I'm a Spider-Man fan so I'll likely enjoy a trip down memory lane, and as long as J. Michael Straczynski doesn't start cutting and pasting his various spider totem ideas into Spider-Man's back-story, I'll probably be quite happy with next month's time jumping adventure. However, while Doctor Strange fans will likely want to give this issue a look as the character is in fine form in this issue, Spider-Man is made out to be a bit ineffectual, and almost secondary to the plot itself, as a fairly sizeable chunk of the issue i Read Full Review

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