Amazing Spider-Man #500

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: John Romita Jr., Scott Hanna, John Romita Sr. Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 13
8.3Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Two generations of the greatest Spider-Man artists of all time mark a milestone! It's Peter Parker's birthday...but how do you throw a surprise party for someone with a Spider-sense? Someone figures out how and Spidey spends his special day looking back at his career and EVERY villain he's faced over those years...against his will! A special story for Spidey fans new & old!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Cody Dolan Oct 27, 2003

    Given the rather definite ending to this arc I have no idea where this title is going, but I cant say that bothers me all that much. Ive learned to trust this creative team the same way the heroes of the Marvel Universe trust the title character, and that irony isnt lost on me. While I loathed the cheap way Marvel and JMS plugged the upcoming Dr. Strange miniseries, the few pages drawn by John Romita Sr. more than made up for that. It was a treat to see him draw that final scene, and thats part of the reason I rated this book so high despite its few flaws. Now if only the covers werent so consistently awful Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 26, 2003

    A pretty entertaining celebration of Spider-Man's early years, as it's rather easy to dismiss the Stan Lee/Steve Ditko era as a product of it's time with it's rather simplistic plots, and the standard goofy Stan Lee dialogue. However, this issue acts as a wonderful reminder that if nothing else these issues were all about action, and the sheer wealth of characters that were introduced in these issues that are still being used today is truly extraordinary. This issue also acts as a solid reminder of just how much Spider-Man has grown as a character, as we get to see his thoughts of these various battles, and in a particularly memorable scene we see Spider-Man questioning whether this seemingly endless fight is worth it. Now Peter's rooftop conversation with his mystery guest-star delivered a message that I felt was far too melodramatic to be effective, but the appearance by this character was an unexpected surprise, and overall this issue made for a fine celebration of the reasons why S Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Oct 28, 2003

    It's very clever of JMS to conclude this book with the scene between Uncle Ben and Peter. It gives a sense of completion to the last 500 issues, and provides a non-gimmicky milestone which will be remembered for a long time. I remain a bit disheartened by the fact that Marvel does not make any "Thank you for 40 great years" or even acknowledge issue 500. Then again, that's nothing out of the ordinary these days. Read Full Review

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