• With the STARK FAMILY secret revealed...
• One the STARK BROTHERS must pay the price...
• Plus: Justice for SPYDER-MAN
Rated T+
This has been the biggest problem with Armor Wars from its beginning, James Robinson's overuse of narration and exposition. None of the plot twists wind up being shocking, the biggest one being fairly obvious and disappointing, and the amount of time spent on the exposition makes for an uninteresting finale. Read Full Review
Thats the other majorly disappointing and honestly pretty infuriating thing about Armor Wars, how much its a transparent stab at universe management. Basically all the character decisions and revisions present here are soulless calculations in order to force the Marvel Universe in line with the upcoming Captain America: Civil War. This is the same bad decision making that informed last weeks Quake one-shot and the upcoming X-Men comic where the Inhuman gas kills off the oppressed mutant minority in order to leave only the genetically pure as survivors. Theyre all just painfully forced developments designed solely to turn the Marvel comics into the extended universe of the Marvel Movies instead of their own unique entity. Thats what Armor Wars feels like more than anything else; tired, cynical, uninspired brand management; dont buy it. Read Full Review
We finally know who cursed Technopolis forever and it wasn't a surprise to anyone, and if it were you should really stay outta the detective game! It just was a so so ending. Nothing really to write home about. I guess you get to see how much a jerk really is, but if you read the Superior IronMan you already know. Ok to everyone but the stand out has to be Sanz with her amazing coloring. Let's all hope after Secret Wars is over Ironman gets better.