Avengers #69

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Olivier Coipel, Andy Lanning Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 6
5.4Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

Red Zone: Part 5 - The Great Escape
"RED ZONE" Pt. 5 (of 6)
As the terror spreads, the Avengers confront the mastermind behind the Red Zone contagion - in the heart of the Capital!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Kozlowski Aug 19, 2003

    Red Zone has another two or three chapters left in it, though most arcs these days dont go beyond six issues, so well see. I think that the Red Skull as politician has legs, though Im sure that the Avengers will end his tenure shortly. Everyone knows that the core Avengers are going to survive, but I really cant say the same for minor members like Jack of Hearts, Falcon and She-Hulk seriously, if She-Hulk checks out, will the Marvel universe be worse for it? Its tensions like this that make Red Zone a great story. It will be a real tragedy when Johns returns to DC on a permanent basis. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Aug 17, 2003

    The previous issues handled Black Panther's resentment toward Iron Man in an understated manner and as a result, this element enhanced the storytelling. By emphasizing Black Panther's practical bitterness toward Tony Stark in this issue, Mr. Johns undermines the story. He forces the reader to question from whence these feelings come. Iron Man and the Panther never really hung out while serving in the Avengers. Often they were not in the same incarnation of the team. They had no memorable team-ups that I can recall in either of their books. So what is the source of the resentment? Such animosity arises from accrual. Without that interlaced history, the scenes become forced. It's as though Johns wanted friction between heroes and decided these two would fulfill the role. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 15, 2003

    Frankly I have trouble embracing the Red Skull's evil plan as it doesn't look all the functional when one addresses the simple fact that the Marvel Universe is not the same environment as the real world, and as such asking readers to accept an evil plan that relies upon the Marvel Universe playing by the same rules doesn't quite work. It's all well and good to say that the Red Skull would frame Wakanda for this chemical attack, and that the United States would respond by unleashing a volley of nuclear warheads, but the question then becomes would such an attack even be the slightest bit effective against the technological superior might that Wakanda possesses? There's also elements like S.H.I.E.L.D. who would need to see more than manufactured proof, and the various telepaths & independent scientists like Reed Richards who would step forward to test the manufactured evidence. It's nice to see the Red Skull thinking outside his normal method of operation, and there's some solid cliffhan Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Aug 19, 2003

    So Chuck Austens taking this title over, huh? Cant hurt. Until then, Ill go back and read my Kree-Skrull War and Korvac Saga trades. Hell, even the Celestial Madonna and Avengers-Defenders War stories were interesting and fun. They might not have been great, but they were imaginative and tried to live up to the stature of the characters involved. You know, the way a companys top-tier heroes are supposed to be treated. Dont you dare salute that flag! Groan. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Aug 18, 2003

    So it comes to what you're willing to settle for. If this kind of drawn out, poor attempt at action is what you're looking for, then you'll probably get excited beyond belief. But when I read a comic, I demand a lot more than what Mr. Johns is presenting to back up the action. Chuck Austen may actually do some good for this book if he gives these characters some personality and let them have some fun. Read Full Review

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