Avengers #71

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Steven Sadowski, Andrew Currie Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 6
4.0Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

In this stand-alone story, the Wasp & Yellowjacket head to Las Vegas... How come? Could it be..?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 19, 2003

    The attention grabbing, look at what we're doing vibe news release that Marvel released was a bit off-putting, but one can't argue with success as it did get people talking about the issue at hand. Now personally I've never found Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne to be overly interesting characters, so I can't say I was fully absorbed by this issue, but even if I was I couldn't help but notice that nothing really changes between the two characters, beyond the simple acknowledgement by both characters about the problems they've had in the past. Now if this is the first time this idea has been discussed than this issue is long over due, but I do seem to recall a similar effort was made when the two characters were first brought back together in the pages of the West Coast Avengers, so my general disinterest in the lives of these two characters my be working against me here. I will say that this issue certainly does an effective job of detailing Whirlwind's obsession, as well as playing up th Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Oct 24, 2003

    The plot makes sense in the end, even if it's held together by scotch tape and latex (sorry, had to go there). I mean I guess the story's possible; but you don't get your money's worth with the Avengers these days, with a story even I could tell in five pages, and a premise that's as immature and desperate as the "Red Zone." If you want to read the definitive review, see Ray Tate's take, somewhere else on this site. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Oct 18, 2003

    Such a stupid issue. Johns rolls the dice. Craps. We lose. Read Full Review

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