The Scarecrow is unleashed! The mysterious Broker has powered up Ghost Rider's next nemesis, and it's going to take the combined hellfire of Rider and Johnny Blaze to stop him!
Rated T+
Danny Ketch: Ghost Rider #3 packs a mountain of a story in a single issue to bring the heroes together, escalate the stakes, deliver supernatural action, and move everyone into position for next month's finale. The amount of plot movement leads to a rushed feeling, but the plot is solid. Read Full Review
Danny Ketch: Ghost Rider #3 is where this story begins to crumble under the weight of its nostalgia. Read Full Review
The simple plot advances with slow, clumsy steps. But there are some nice, gruesome touches woven into the action, and the art remains a solid (albeit not spectacular) storytelling tool.
It remains a shade below average, though. I don't think this is worth reading unless you really love Danny Ketch. I didn't before and these three issues haven't kindled that spark in me.