Sinister Spider-Man #4 rocks pretty hard. Be sure to pick up the inevitable trade if you haven't been following the Dark Reign mini-series. Read Full Review
a fun, dark story featuring Mac Gargan as Spider-Man.
Tie-ins are usually looked down upon by just being padding and taking focus away from the main story line. This comic could have just been a cheap tie-in to the Dark Reign event, but Reed and co. came up with this solid series that had me grinning from ear to ear. Even though I do wish the art style was consistent throughout the entire series, the story and characters kept me coming back for more. The supporting cast get the right amount of time devoted them and Gargan’s juxtaposition of the traditional Spider Man formula made for funny adventure. While it’s by no means perfect, The Sinister Spider Man is a subversive ride that I hope you all will eventually check out.