Wave of Mutilation,” Part 2 Deadpool has ceased to exist, he’s given his good-byes, he’s driven his car into the ocean. They’ll think he’s dead, but he’ll sail away. Then, he becomes a pirate! Parental Advisory …$2.99
If Way's series has had any one fault over the past months, it's that he hasn't attempted to give his lead hero any depth. We love Deadpool because he's crazy, not because follows a classical hero's journey or plumbs the depths of his subconscious. And for the most part, that's always been enough. However, late in this issue there comes a point where Deadpool has a Spider Jerusalem-esque moment of epiphany. He calms down and quits being zany long enough for readers to see the human being underneath. It appears Way will actually be exploring this side of the character in the next arc, and I'm very interested to see where he goes with it. I hardly want to abandon the meat suits and tug boats, but a stronger attempt at characterization might just push this book to the next level. Read Full Review
Deadpool #14 delivers pretty much everything someone could ask for in a comic about the Merc with a Mouth. It's funny, it's a bit silly, it's action scenes are pretty cool (and suitably violent), and it tells a story that could only really work with Deadpool as the lead character. Read Full Review
Ending on an oddly poignant note, this is another excellent issue of Deadpool in a long line of Way-penned issues. Read Full Review