Deadpool #16

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Paco Medina Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 7, 2009 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
8.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

“Want You to Want Me,” Part 2 Deadpool is convinced that, after years of gun-for-hire work, he has found his true calling: He’s going to be an X-Man! One problem, though: they don’t want him! And can you blame them? Wade’s just as likely to fire on his friends as his enemies! But Cyclops is smart enough not to get on Deadpool’s bad side. He has a plan to keep Deadpool both close enough to monitor and far enough away so that no one gets hit by the shrapnel. But Deadpool has a plan, too… Parental Advisory …$2.99

  • 9.0
    The Comic Addiction - Corwin C. Crowl Oct 7, 2009

    Before I go take a good look at the center of the cover. Could Pearson be some how dropping a clue? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Kyle Posluszny Oct 10, 2009

    Deadpool continues to be one hell of a fun series. If you aren't reading it than you're definitely missing out on one of Marvel's best monthlies. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Colbert Oct 13, 2009

    In comedy, timing is everything and Deadpool is a pretty funny book. Way has always demonstrated a keen instinct for how action sequences work. That instinct translates well into the cartoonish physical comedy that is the core appeal of Deadpool. But Ways humor goes a few steps beyond mere slapstick. It seems weird to say this but the best, funniest elements of Deadpool are derived from character. Were talking Bugs Bunny depth of character but hey, Bugs is funny. Thats why the recent story arc with Bullseye worked so well. In fact Deadpool considers calling Bullseye just because he had so much fun with him...mayhem being a Deadpool definition of fun. The idea of this unstable nutjob irritating someone as serious as Cyclops is just too good of an idea to pass up. Of course the X-Men are on a collision course with the merc with a mouth and the mayhem should be great fun to watch. Deadpool is the rare thing in comics--not only funny but funny for the right reasons. Read Full Review

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