Defenders #3

Writer: Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis Artist: Kevin Maguire Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

While Dr. Strange and the Sub-Mariner are trapped and tortured in his dungeons, the Dread Dormammu enters the cosmic essence of the entity called Eternity- absorbing his infinite power! The Hulk, meanwhile, enjoys a steamy romantic interlude with Umar (Really! Would we kid you about a thing like that?), while back on Earth, the Silver Surfer just sort of hangs around at the beach (which, come to think of it, is pretty much what he did last issue).

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Oct 1, 2005

    My one complaint? Once again, Umar is wearing a badly drawn bikini that's poorly illustrated by Marvel's censors. Who wears a bikini when they're having sex! Come on! What kills me is that the Legion of Decency was so outraged by the possibility of breasts and nipples being seen in a super-hero comic book that so flustered they sometimes forgot to draw in the bikini when the panel-angle was more discreet. The end result is Umar's flickering bikini. I get the impression that the Defenders was originally intended for a more mature audience before Marvel decided to release the title for all eyes. The implication of sex alone would seem to strengthen the argument. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - John Hays Oct 4, 2005

    Overall, its a pretty amusing issue. I just wish that Giffen and DeMatteis would give up trying to balance drama and humor and let this particular miniseries explode into the full-on humor that made their JLI run so lighthearted and fun. Read Full Review

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