Lost, gravely injured and stranded in the low pits of the Everdimensions, Doctor Voodoo is hunted by a brutal living nightmare that holds a festering and contagious self-doubt. Was Jericho given the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme in order to leave our dimension vulnerable to the great evil Agamotto foresees? Or is he the one man with the strength to suppress the coming darkness? The Loas do not listen, the Vishanti cannot answer -- alone Jericho must decide if he is fit to serve. He will soon learn… Rated T …$2.99
Whether youre a sorcerer supreme fanboy or not, go out and buy this book. It is original, tense, spooky, surreal and moody. Read Full Review
But that's not to say this issue of Doctor Voodoo is bad. If you can take the things I mentioned in stride, there's some fun to be had. Remender injects in this issue a great extended flashback scene that reintroduces the sibling theme that's always linked to Jericho, but in a new way. And Jefte Palo is once again the quiet strength of the title, with some absolutely brilliant pencils and inspired creations. In truth, I actually liked Doctor Voodoo #2 quite a bit. But there's a couple of wrinkles along the way that prevent me from giving it the same wholehearted recommendation that I gave the initial issue. Read Full Review
This is a book that deserves a little more recognition than it is going to get. Readers tend to shy away from magic based characters, but Remender and company are offering a believably, humanly flawed character for readers to walk alongside. Read Full Review
I suppose it's okay. It's not horrible and the art isn't bad. But I could do without it if Marvel wanted to knock that extra dollar off. I'm not made of money, after all. Read Full Review
In a word: Disappointing. Read Full Review