Loving this series and it's a real sleeper hit in my eyes. Give it a look if you still are sitting on the fence or at least consider grabbing the trade. Read Full Review
This book might be flying under a lot of reader's radars, but I encourage people to pick it up. It pulls off the complex political intrigue of Priest's run on Black Panther while still harnessing it all in a story with a clear through line and some serious philosophical gravitas. Read Full Review
I can definitely recommend waiting for the trade on this one. I have no doubts that the creative team can put together a satisfying conclusion to DoomWar, but it's unnecessary to drag it out six issues at the expense of the story and pacing. Hopefully the concluding half can make up for the slogging pace in the middle. Read Full Review
Fans of Dr. Doom may want to check out this issue since Maberry does a nice job with the character and sets up an interesting tension for the rest of the story surrounding him, but that's only part of this issue. The remainder is nothing new and reveals little about the characters. Not a bad read, but somewhat dull. Read Full Review
Not as good as the critics say, trust me