Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #24
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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #24

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Joe Quesada Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 10, 2007 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
6.2Critic Rating
4.7User Rating

"One More Day," Part 2 of 4
At his darkest hours, Peter Parker has always had one shoulder to lean on, one person who'd remind him who he is, was, and can be. Now he's about to lose that person. What would you do, if you only had "One More Day?"

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Oct 12, 2007

    Much of the negative reaction that some fans have had to "One More Day" seems to be based around an assumption that they know how this is all going to play out, but I'm hoping that Straczynski will surprise us with some unexpected twists before his Spider-Man tenure is over. Of course, much of this premature criticism has been instigated by Marvel's heavy promotion of the arc, trailing the story as the "final word" on the Spider-marriage and a key reshaping of Spidey's status quo. My advice in reading this story, however, would be to ignore the hype, and stop trying to second-guess whatever revelations and ret-cons are coming at its end. JMS and Joe Quesada are telling a tale which is enjoyable enough on its own terms that it doesn't need all this extra marketing to make it worthwhile. Overshadowing "One More Day" with a Marvel hype machine in overdrive is doing the story a real disservice. Read Full Review

  • 5.4
    IGN - Richard George Oct 10, 2007

    By now the themes are old. I've moved on and I can't bring myself to care about this situation one bit. Even if I could, I'd still be annoyed that JMS and Joe Quesada feel the need to spell everything out as if I'm some sort of simpleton. "I will do anything!" Thanks! I got it the first time. You can almost sense that Straczynski and Quesada are trying to regain lost momentum and justify whatever insanity they're about to unleash. Hitting that same theme over and over is unlikely to work. Either there's a good idea in here or there isn't. Don't waste my time retracing themes that have clearly been around for the past eight months in all three Spider-Man books. Read Full Review

  • 5.2
    IGN - Oct 10, 2007

    I never thought I'd say this, but I really wish Marvel would take a page from DC's scheduling. Let's just postpone this arc and get started with Brand New Day. That way we can get right to the (hopefully) good stuff, and the seven people that actually care about One More Day can finish the story at some unknown date down the road. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Ultimate Goblin Apr 23, 2022

    Is it a heroism when you do good things only not to feel yourself guilty? It's kinda what makes Peter a hero since his first appearance. If not for the Ben's death, he would never be Spider-man as we know him. But this comic... It's kinda dumb. The art is cool at least, but the story is really forced to be what it is. I mean, Doctor Doom can't heal dying woman? Reed Richards can't? He actually met the freaking GOD a few years back. A God, who healed his face with a FREAKING ERASER. Couldn't he just give Peter a number or something, ha-ha?

    That's just stupid, that no one can do anything. That's the Marvel world, where almost every hero died at least once. That's the world where people can heal others with a waving of a hand. And n more

  • 7.0
    Mout Jan 9, 2022

  • 1.0
    Comix4fever Jan 2, 2019

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