Generation Hope #15

Writer: James Asmus Artist: Tim Green II Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 18, 2012 Critic Reviews: 3
6.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Sebastian Shaw publicly returns to Utopia setting off old grudges and new divisions between the X-Men! Generation Hope clash with a gang of mutant villains living on the island! Romance blossoms between Marvel's most unlikely couple!

  • 7.4
    Outer Realm Comics - Rebecca Stein Jan 19, 2012

    In a way, this issue embodies a lot of problems that arose with the previous tone of the book, but its meta approach toward them makes it seem more intentional than simply a side effect of poor planning, and Asmus's attempt to address them is pretty admirable. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Sara McDonald Jan 20, 2012

    For the most part, Generation Hope #15 is an enjoyable read that, while having a few moments that seemed to falter a bit, mostly goes along smoothly and continues to develop the complex and fragile relationship of Hope and her "Lights." The art was, at times, distracting -- especially with some of the impossible contortions Green seems to like to put his female characters in -- but it had stronger moments as well. Overall, it was another good issue in this series, and one that left me wondering at the end where it will go from here. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Matt Demers Jan 18, 2012

    This book was mediocre in most senses of the word: the art kind of just fell down a ravine in terms of quality after the first few pages, useless characters from the 90's showed up (Random was every referenced as a bad cliche in the book), and the major conflict was solved Hope flashing the almost-Phoenix Force, or what Marvel wants us to think is the Phoenix Force. Read Full Review

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