Giant-Size Fantastic Four #1 introduces a new foe in a classic Fantastic Four story. For longtime fans of the Four or those wanting to see what makes the Four stand out before their big movie reboot next year, this is worth checking out. At the very least it should get fans invested in Nicieza and Coello's run (which is sorely underrated.) Read Full Review
What bumps this up for me is the Stan Lee/Kirby issue in the last half of this issue. The first half is a throwaway. I can't believe they kept Johnny's stupid mustache from the North run. Reed and Stingray just happen to bump into an ancient door and ignorantly open it, which is not in Reed's character. I must have missed a lot. I have no idea why Namor is in prison or even how they hold him. Atlantis was destroyed? That was news to me as well. I much preferred the second story.
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