Immortal Weapons #2

Writer: Duane Swierczynski, Cullen Bunn Artist: Daniel Brereton, Travel Foreman Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 2, 2009 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
6.2Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Her heart pumps the coldest blood imaginable…and she is host to horrors inconceivable to mortal men. The Bride of Nine Spiders is perhaps the most enigmatic of the Immortal Weapons. Yet men would risk life and sanity to plumb the mysteries of this porcelain beauty and the alien land from which she comes. When a disturbing relic surfaces at a most exclusive auction house, the Bride’s secrets are revealed in a tragic tale fusing martial arts mayhem and gothic terror! Rated T …$3.99

  • 8.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Sep 3, 2009

    I've always found that horror is a difficult genre for comic books to tackle due to its limited delivery. In this issue, however, the onetwo punch combination of Cullen Bunn's strong script and Ban Brereton's atmospheric art does a great job of working the genre into the larger Iron Fist mythos. The end result is an enjoyable look at the mysterious Bride of Nine Spiders that certainly justifies purchase, but is held back from being a must read issue due to the weakness of the back up story. Read Full Review

  • 6.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 2, 2009

    The backup feature from Duane Swiercynski and Travel Foreman is more enjoyable, luckily. Foreman's art is every bit as dynamic as it was on the main book, even if Swiercynski seems to be aiming a little low in Danny Rand's current adventure. With the feature 40% over, I'm not expecting many surprises out of Danny's hunt for a missing child. Still, it's entertaining, and that automatically puts it one or two steps above the main portion of the issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Sep 9, 2009

    It's a fun little story, and there's even the second part of a back-up story from Duane Swierczynski and Travel Foreman that's running across the entire "Immortal Weapons" mini-series for those who pick up all five issues. Based on this issue, I think I'm going to have to take a look at the other "Immortal Weapons" comics. It was a fun diversion from the same old thing, and that's a pleasant change. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Charles Webb Sep 1, 2009

    While the genre shift in the main story is intriguing, we learn very little about the titular Bride making this issue feel like more of an exercise than the expose of the last issue. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Sep 7, 2009

    The Bride's feeding frenzy earns2. Read Full Review

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