Incredible Hulk #11

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Dalibor Talajic Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 25, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
5.3Critic Rating
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A lost city of Sasquatches! Featuring the world's deadliest hunter, Kraven!

  • 6.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 25, 2012

    I feel like I say this at the end of every Hulk review now, but this book really needs to push forward and show readers what Banner's ultimate plan is. We've been given far too many intermediate chapters that offer plenty of fun but no real substance or sense of progression. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff Jul 26, 2012

    Talajic delivers on the art, though. As we move forth with this arc, I have to say that the art in each issue is better than the last, and hopefully with Carlos Pacheco on the interiors in the next issue (along with the fact that Banner's plan is to be fully revealed, and we also have Hulk up against both Wolverine and Thing) it takes the cake and rounds this arc out successfully. Talajic's style seems perfectly suited for the jungle scenes which make up almost all of this book, especially when we see the Sasquatch City, and his character designs are fantastic. I have to say, though, that Frank Martin's colors make the artwork really stand out as his palettes blend perfectly with the settings Talajic illustrates. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Modern Age Comics - Aaron Weiss Aug 9, 2012

    The sloppiness that has plagued the past few issues aren't helped by the inconsistent art. There's been six different artists over the past six issues. I had heard the series was risking delays and they were frantically trying to make everything ready for print, and clearly the series has suffered for it. The art's crisp enough this issue, but the portrayal of the Hulk's stature"seven feet tall, really buff"makes him seem less-than-Hulky. It's a perfect capper for a mediocre issue. Read Full Review

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