Iron Man: Viva Las Vegas #2
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Iron Man: Viva Las Vegas #2

Writer: Jon Favreau Artist: Adi Granov Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 6, 2008 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
6.4Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Andrew C. Murphy Aug 7, 2008

    So, is this book worth your hard-earned cash? Will the next two issues pay off, or will they be as stupid as you might expect of a book that features a character named Fin Fang Foom? Hey, buddy, this is Vegas. You pays your money, and you takes your chances. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Aug 9, 2008

    There's not a lot here to make me recommend the book to anyone other than Iron Man fans. The pace is fairly slow considering that Favreau only has four issues to play with, and the ending of this particular installment is flat and anticlimactic (with some of the most clich dialogue you'll read this side of a Stan Lee comic). There's simply nothing special about this story, and whilst that isn't a good enough reason to lambast the series, it isn't a good enough reason to praise it either. Read Full Review

  • 5.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 6, 2008

    Even Granov's art disappoints. Compared to his work in Extremis, Granov's art is lifeless and lacking in style. The characters are far too pretty – no blemishes at all on these underwear model frames. The Iron Man suit continues to stand out against the rest of the world, as if Granov cut out a few frames of the movie and pasted them into the comic. I'm able to forget many of these problems when Iron Man and Foom square off, but that only saves the final few pages. At most, those pages give me hope the second half of this series will be an improvement over the first. Still, it should be clear by now that Viva Las Vegas is not what we were expecting or hoping for from this collaboration. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Ultimate Goblin Jun 14, 2022

    It wasn't bad, actually. This issue felt better, than the previous. Apparently this was cancelled, so we'll never see two more issues, but I'm kinda fine with that. The story was typical and almost not interesting. Adi carried it and he made an awesome job creating this metal golden Fin Fang Foom version. And lol, why the hell did Favreau made Tony and Foom this "we meet again" theme? Where and why could they meet? It's just feels so stupid, when you understand, that it was an all-new universe, that was initially planned for the MCU continuity...

    So, the possible conclusion for this is "bla bla fight bla bla Iron Man wins. The end". So, actually, I don't really care what could happen next in the Favreau vision of this story. more

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