Marvel Knights Spider-Man #11

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Terry Dodson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 9, 2005 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 10
5.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

It's Spider-Man and Black Cat versus the Sinister Twelve! Even with the help of Black Cat, can Spidey defeat twelve of the most powerful villains he has ever faced?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 24, 2005

    Terry and Rachel Dodson's work is impressive as always, but I've never been blown away by their delivery of action scenes, as they don't really seem to have as good a grasp on what makes for exciting visuals during a battle. The scene where Spider-Man is overwhelmed by the army of villains looking to kill him should be a moment that generates a real sense of excitement, but the art decides the best approach to convey this idea is to pull back away from the action, thus robbing it of any real sense of urgency. The scene where the other heroes arrive to save the overwhelmed Spider-Man was also less dramatic than it should've been. Still, there are some impressive visuals in this issue from the sequence where Spider-Man works to save the crowd from the falling buildings, to the scene where Doctor Octopus makes his escape. The double-page spread that closes the issue was also quite nice, if only for its sheer level of detail. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Feb 14, 2005

    However, the issue does redeem itself to a certain extent through the Dodsons art, which continues to be impressive, with some hard-hitting action sequences and a suitably grisly final shot which conveys the unstoppably evil side of the character perfectly. Without their contribution, Im not sure Id have hung on to the end of this frustratingly up-and-down story. Read Full Review

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