Marvel Knights Spider-Man #20

Writer: Reginald Hudlin Artist: Pat Lee Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 28, 2005 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 6
2.7Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

THE OTHER tie-in. Having finally accepted his fate, Peter Parker decides to put the red and blue tights in the closet and spend some quality time with Aunt May and MJ. But Morlun's got other plans...

  • 3.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Nov 22, 2005

    This entire crossover feels incredibly shoe-horned into Spider-Mans world for little purpose other than to create buzz around an event which exists solely to increase readership of the Spidey titles. At the same time, Marvel have unfathomably chosen to portray the character in a very unfaithful way; I dont think Ive ever seen the ever-tenacious Spider-Man display such a lay-down-and-die attitude before, and his apparent resignation to his fate makes for dull reading in an already directionless story. Id be interested to know just how much of this story is from Hudlin and how much has been influenced by whatever editorial diktat is co-ordinating "The Other," as I suspect itll only be with the advent of JMS issues that we really find out where all this is meant to be heading. However, six issues is a long time to string out a tale which effectively amounts to little more than a prologue for Stracynskis real story, and by the time those issues arrive next month I wouldnt be s Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul T. Semones Nov 18, 2005

    When the comic industry ultimately dissolves in the mists of history and all accounts are one day settled, this issue will be nothing but chaff blowing away in the wind. Utterly, unforgivably pointless. And it didnt have to be. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Nov 17, 2005

    So, "The Other" takes a further slide in quality. Do we live in such cynical, unprofessional times that Marvel are content to put out utter shite, safe in the knowledge that because it's a crossover, we'll buy it anyway? Or is JMS not only the architect of the crossover, but a Machiavellian schemer who has lined up all this awfulness so as to make his own forthcoming issues look better? If it's the latter, his friends have left him a very deep hole to dig himself out of. Read Full Review

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