Mighty Avengers #27

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Khoi Pham Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 15, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 2
5.7Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Doom, Thor, Black Bolt, Black Panther, Ka-Zar, Namor...There are many monarchs in the Marvel Universe, but only one so powerful and so reviled that he had to be written out of history. He is THE UNSPOKEN. And his return will have dire consequences on both our world and worlds beyond. The start of a new storyline that will bring dishonor for one Mighty Avenger, redemption for another, a family reunion, and ties to both DARK REIGN and WAR OF KINGS. Rated A …$2.99

  • 8.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jul 16, 2009

    This is yet another fun read for the Slottera Mighty Avengers. The addition of Christos Gage as scripter has a smooth transition here, thanks to the solid plot and strong characterization. The issue is almost too dense at times and the art is a mixed bag, just barely keeping this one from jumping up a level to "Don't Miss..." territory. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Bryan Joel Jul 15, 2009

    Mighty Avengers has quickly become the picture of consistency. Story arc titles are very clearly for trade paperback purposes only, as Slott's plotline has been one long, meandering tale. That tactic only adds to the old-school appeal of this book, and I can't imagine anyone looking for refuge from "Dark Reign" won't find something to like in these pages. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jul 15, 2009

    This issue of "Mighty Avengers" is summer comics goodness. If you're looking for a comic with crossover-like content without having to dump scads of cash on all the crossover bits, give this book a go. The summary page and the setup are all you'll need to hit the ground running right alongside Quicksilver. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jul 14, 2009

    Back in the new Avengers Infinite Mansion, science whiz Pym has dreamed up a sort of Tardis-like homebase that could be full of surprises, though they don't all come off clearly in this issue. It's a neat idea that will hinge on how the team uses it, but with the humor of the last few issues nearly gone, and the subplots from those issues also on hold (will the team ever learn their Wanda is really Loki?), the exciting pace of Slott's characterization slows somewhat. While I'm not against the Inhumans playing a role in this title, I'd prefer it be more than a hatchet job on their reputations. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jul 21, 2009

    I've enjoyed Khoi Pham's art on other Marvel titles, notably The Incredible Hercules some time ago. However, I really don't think his loose, sketchy style is a good fit for the sci-fi, borderline cosmic adventures of this team of Avengers. He conveys the youth of several characters (such as Amadeus Cho and the young Inhumans in the flashback) quite clearly, but other key players are so loosely rendered so as to make it seem as though the artist had to rush through the job at times. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 18, 2009

    Maybe I'm suffering from "Avengers overload," or maybe this creative team just isn't working for me. Whatever the case, it's time to take a break from this title. Sorry. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 18, 2009

    The villain isa walking retcon, the art and coloring combine to a generally incomprehensible muddy mess, and the issuejustshouts and shouts and shouts without saying anything much interesting. Read Full Review

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