In a secluded realm hidden amongst the snowy fissures of Antarctica, a dangerous world that time as forgotten continues to thrive -- one where beastly giants of colossal size still roam the Earth and where the lines of man and monster blur. Enter Marvel's newest hero, KID KAIJU, with the power to summon an all-new team of monstrous Marvel heroes - AEGIS, SLIZZIK, SCRAGG, HI-VO and MEKARA. But in a world already controlled by fiendish beasts, can KID KAIJU call an army powerful enough to protect the boarders of the Savage Land that threatens the very safety of the entire planet? PLUS: Includes 3 bonus M more
It's not afraid to be dumb fun when it needs to be, any kid can pick this up and dive in. Monsters Unleashed is also not a hollow reading experience, there's more to the story than giant monster fights. I would recommend this for any young reader. Read Full Review
Monsters Unleashed #7 is mediocre at best and boring at worse. It has moments, and the premise remains unique. However, a unique premise doesnt go very far if something isnt done to keep it fresh. I cant recommend this one. Give it a pass. Read Full Review
Jive Sucka Foom stands revealed as the Poison version of the Foom we know and love. He gives Kei's monsters a ton of trouble, largely because of a fascinating psychic echo between master and beasties. Kei's doubting himself, so the monsters are doubtful too. It's a nice attempt at adding needed depth to this title, but tying into Venomverse is a real clunker of a "problem du jour." On the art side, it's clear now that Andrea Broccardo is aiming for a manga feel, but it's not quite working when it comes to Elsa and Kei's faces. You certainly can't fault him for lack of detail, though; his monsters and his Savage Land (and his dinos!) are all bursting with vibrant life.