New Mutants #8

Writer: Nunzio Defilippis, Christina Weir Artist: Carlo Barberi, Khary Randolph Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Will the rest of the students and staff survive an imminent new danger within their own ranks?

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Joe Pascone Feb 19, 2004

    The book only got 2 Bullets because it was so ding darned late. Id forgotten about much of the content that had come before it. My late night Google-ing brought me to a statement by Defilippis saying something about an internal shake up and how the book was being viewed at Marvel. My guess? The Reloaded phenomenon struck this book and almost scuttled it. Hopefully all is well and this book will come out with frequency once again. PLEASE! Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 18, 2004

    A bit of a mixed bag, as there are moments in this issue that I enjoyed quite a bit. Dani's confrontation with Emma Frost jumps to mind, as does the scene where Shan finds herself being introduced to the hostess at the coffee shop because Dani discovered the woman has something in common with her friend. The book also does a nice job of working the X-Men cast into the book as while the riot looks to be looming on the horizon, I enjoyed this calm before the storm, where Northstar can be his usual charming self, and Emma Frost can slink around the book sinking her claws into the disenfranchised members of this book's cast. However the material that centers around the younger cast members still struggles to grab and hold on to my attention, as frankly nothing about the characters has really caught my imagination, and it doesn't help that they behave in such a predictable fashion. Still, while the book is on the verge of being dropped from my list, I will concede the material that centers Read Full Review

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