In this very special issue #6 of Patsy Walker, AKA HELLCAT, will she:
A) Visit CONEY ISLAND with her cool and stylish pals
B) Get into an adventure involving rollercoasters, or C) Kick a whole mess of butts?
(Answer: All of the above!)
Rated T
I realize that not everybody is into this sort of comic, but I absolutely am. Marvel is killing it with these kinds of fun comics. And they're not just fun and adorable, they're also funny as heck! From the dialogue to the art, Patsy Walker is just a blast to read. They don't need to worry about Arcade's recent history (though they do reference it). They just bring their heroes together and put them into all manner of entertaining trouble. That's great comics. Read Full Review
Superhero comics are a loud genre that reward and promote the splashiest and most divisive product, but its the the quiet revolutions that achieve the most profound and lasting change like Judd Winnick choosing to reveal Kyle Rayners ethnicity as Mexican-American, John Ostrander and Kim Yale reintroducing Barbara Gordon as Oracle, or Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner codifying Harley Quinn and Poison Ivys relationship as romantic in nature. Ians bisexuality is unlikely to rank with those choices in the long term, but Patsy Walker a.k.a. Hellcat is an insurgent title that consistently pushes against conventional wisdom in novel and worthy ways. Read Full Review
With soothing and energetic art from Natasha Allegri and a script filled with friendship and action from Kate Leth, Hellcat #7 is a reminder that superhero comics can be fun sometimes. This issue is also a great jumping on point for new readers as Leth and Allegri deftly establish the main cast's dynamic and personalities on the really long commute to Coney Island. Read Full Review
We get what we came for at the very end of the issue (no spoilers). This is a very good book and after six issues we've only really had one filler — this is still a good look for the future of this series. Read Full Review