Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four #1
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Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four #1

Event\Storyline: Secret Invasion Writer: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa Artist: Barry Kitson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 14, 2008 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 4
7.1Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

The Skrulls have neutralized the Baxter Building--by transporting it and its inhabitants straight to the Negative Zone! It's up to Marvel's Finest Family to get back to our dimension. But are any of our heroes who they think they are?

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - M. Staples May 12, 2008

    Overall, this was very well put together. Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa's writing is the perfect match for the Fantastic Four, and I would not be disappointed if he took up the helm when Mark Millar eventually leaves (which I'm not looking forward to). Likewise, Kitson's art was definitely modern, but he throws in plenty of nods to older art (i.e. the "Kirby dots" are present throughout). I'd love to see more of his work in FF as well. Kitson gets major kudos for being one of the few artists that is continuity-friendly – the FF's uniforms here perfectly match the new uniforms that Hitch has given in the main FF title – something that is often overlooked by other artists. All together, the plot, writing and art is everything I'd hoped it would be. I'll definitely be back for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    IGN - Bryan Joel May 14, 2008

    I suppose it's not offensive, the characters are more or less on track, and there's a fun twist at the end, but Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four #1 is not a revolutionary book. I suspect this will appeal mostly to FF fans who don't dig the secluded Millar/Hitch run in the parent title. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt May 21, 2008

    Even if it's unlikely to set the world alight, there's nothing at all wrong with this comic. The inclusion of Lyja might be a barrier to some, but for people like me it's a welcome reward for what is literally a decade of waiting. Part of me suspects that Lyja's not going to make it out of this story alive precisely so that her particular loose end can be considered tied up. Either way, we're going to get a decent story, and a tie-in to "Secret Invasion" is the perfect time to tell it. In my book, that's two perfectly good reasons to pick this up. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren May 14, 2008

    The creative team works well with what they were given by Bendis, so I can't fault them for an otherwise decent issue, but the majority of my complaints are more Secret Invasion related and the setup of this issue than the actual issue itself. I'll probably stick around for the whole thing, so it's not a terrible book by any means. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace May 13, 2008

    This book feels like a fairly inconsequential tie-in to Secret Invasion, albeit one that will probably keep Fantastic Four fans happy enough. You can't blame Marvel for trying, and it's far from being an offensively bad comic--but neither is it a particularly good one. It's difficult to escape the feeling that this is a title that has been created for the sake of having a Secret Invasion/FF tie-in, rather than because anyone had a particularly good story to tell, and I doubt that I'll be interested enough to pick up the next issue. Read Full Review

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