Son of M #1
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Son of M #1

Writer: David Hine Artist: Roy Allan Martinez Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 14, 2005 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
6.4Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

He's lost everything: his friends, his sister, and his cause. How far is he willing to go to get them back? All he wanted was to make the world a perfect place for mutantkind. Pietro Maximoff was Quicksilver, the fastest living creature on Earth until the Scarlet Witch took it all away. Now the son of Magneto is despised, rejected, and alone...and desperate.

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Dec 19, 2005

    Final Thoughts: It would be a shame for this series to focus only on Spiderman and a handful of other Marvel marquee heroes. Though I surmise by the title, Pietro will be the focus, it would be great to see the aftermath of House of M as perceived by most of Marvels big guns such as Wolverine, Daredevil, Iron Man and many others. Its a promising beginning to an intriguing premise. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Dec 19, 2005

    So its a good start, a little light, and Spider-Man is more memorable than the title character. Id suggest reading a couple more issues before deciding to buy the whole series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Keith Dallas Dec 19, 2005

    Still, I wouldnt recommend Son of M to readers who arent already vested in House of M and its aftermath. This is not a comic book for the uninitiated. Marvel has thrown a lot of titles into this DeciMation story (Generation M, Son of M, X-Factor, New X-Men, adjectiveless X-Men, et al.), none of which are inexorably linked to each other. Thats a good thing in my opinion as I think consumers are fed up with being told they have to purchase five other titles in order to understand whats happening in their one favorite title. Thankfully, whats happening in, say, X-Factor doesnt affect, and isnt being commented upon, in Son of M. Instead, what these titles are doing individually is providing separate facets of the post-M Day phenomenon. For the most part, its pretty compelling, but also geared toward the already Marvel convert. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Dec 19, 2005

    The truth is that this is a pretty good comic, and a fair continuation and expansion of House of M; that said, HoM was so lacking in merit that I cant help but feel that Marvel would be better off putting the whole mess behind them and letting these talented creators devote their energies to something other than flogging a dead Bendis. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Dec 19, 2005

    In the end, two established characters show up to aid Pietro. All in all, aside from the power loss, this is pretty par for the course for a Quicksilver story. Ive liked his previous stories and series, and I think theres a lot of potential in this one (potential to use the Terrigen Mists is my first guess). Otherwise, the only new thing is the helpful contrast of a mutant who wishes hed lost his powers, but didnt. Understandably, since his power is having Cthulu for an abdomen. Deeply creepy. It cant talk, but it hisses. Spooky. Pietro walks through this story like a zombie. As Peter says, Ha. Ha. At least his fate is being chronicled, while Wanda rests conveniently off-panel, again, as usual. Hine has a clear perspective on this character, and looks ready to do some much-needed character repair. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Ryan Feb 11, 2019

    Amazing issue that focuses on the aftermath of House of M. Quicksilver and Spider Man are written perfectly by Hine and the art was a pleasant surprise. I was so excited for this comic after Infinished House of M because of how heavily involved Quicksilver was. Hopefully we’ll see Wanda the series ends

  • 8.0
    iPodwithnomusic Aug 12, 2022

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