Spectacular Spider-Man #18

Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist: Humberto Ramos, Wayne Faucher Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
6.0Critic Rating
4.4User Rating

His humanity slipping away from him, and a danger to his friends and loved ones, Spidey grapples with the amazing transformation that's taken hold of him -- while, in the depths of the world, the Queen awaits…

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 18, 2004

    I will give the art full marks for its delivery of the big impact visual where Peter undergoes yet another stage of his transformation, as the art perfectly conveys the horror of this scene. The art also manages to have some fun delivering the more amusing elements of the Star Trek themed wedding. However, for the most part Humberto Ramos' distended figures, and their bizarre looking faces serve as a visual jarring element that keeps me from enjoying the art, as it's hard to enjoy the story when the characters look like they're melting. The final page shot of Captain America is also a bit silly looking which doesn't help to sell the gravity of the situation the character is detailing to Nick Fury. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Ultimate Goblin Dec 10, 2021

    WTF is wrong with MJ in this run? Peter is LITERALLY TRANSFORMING INTO THE REAL SPIDER. But she's trying to take him on the wedding of who knows who... AND HE AGREED!!! HE'S TRANSFORMING INTO THE SPIDER. AND HE'S JUST PRETENDING THAT IT'S NOTHING... Why didn't they thought, that he could devolve more? Isn't it stupid for the guy, who is so worrying about his secret identity?

    And this is sooooo much about Captain America's sins past and not just story about Spider-Man exactly... I wanted something more concentrated on his transformation and feelings...

    Nah, it's not a red comic for me, just so-so...

    P.S. I still don't understand why is this a disassembled tie-in...

  • 4.5
    Ryan Mar 13, 2021

  • 4.5
    Julhin Mar 7, 2021

  • 3.5
    Mout Jul 22, 2021

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