Overall, Spider-Man: Reign II #4 is a thrilling and emotionally charged installment in the series. The exploration of Peter and Miles' fractured friendship, combined with the growing threat to their world, makes for a compelling read. Fans of the original “Reign” storyline and those who enjoy gritty, dystopian superhero tales will appreciate this issue. This is a must-read for fans of Spider-Man and those who enjoy complex and emotionally charged superhero stories. Read Full Review
First and foremost, the art is absolutely spectacular. Kaare Andrews is a truly special artist, whether just on covers or doing interiors as well. Very adaptable too, able to lean towards many different styles. In this book the art has a heavy McFarlane influence. I've also seen Andrews art that skews very closely to Jim Lee. Very very awesome. The story and writing was great too, I love the Kitty Kat character (I can't remember if that's her actual hero name). Amazing design, cool backstory, would love for her to pull a Spider-Gwen and get pulled into regular continuity heh. Looking forward to the finale next month, this series has been great.