He can't fly, shoot lasers from his eyes, or bench-press cars, but he might be the more dangerous than all of the team rolled into one. But how will the vigilante known as Nighthawk respond when he's asked to join the Squadron Supreme?
I thought that Squadron Supreme was dependent on Gary Franks work. I was wrong. Barranco and Cifuentes matched his style well, while not keeping their own interpretations of the characters. Usually when reading series where the artists designs are so prevalent, one loses interest and cannot suspend disbelief when a fill in penciller comes to the rescue. Not this time. While the facial expressions which are staples of Frank are absent, the storytelling is decent. One caveat, the super hero staging and fight is weak. Read Full Review
As long as Im not insulted by poor logic, Ill keep reading Squadron Supreme, and appreciating the opportunity to explore a political position other than my own through this great medium of the comic book. I hope Straczynski doesnt let me down. Read Full Review
This latest issue of Squadron Supreme presents no change in narrative pacing but a solid foundation for later stories. Hopefully, it will be enough to hold on to its current reader base because I believe that Stracynski can really deliver when it comes to a big series. It has all the markings of a great series despite this early hick up with the art change. Keep reading it folks, trust me. Read Full Review