The Avenging Spider-Man #3

Writer: Zeb Wells Artist: Joe Madureira Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 18, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 5
7.0Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

Red Hulk is dead! Only Spider-Man stands in the way of the subterranean invasion of Manhattan!

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Jan 19, 2012

    Still, that's little more than nitpicking. In terms of pure entertainment, it's tough to beat this book: consistently funny, good-looking, built on classic relationships. It's superhero comics in their purest form. If you don't enjoy this book then it's entirely possible that you're in the wrong genre. The first arc of this series has undoubtedly been a success, and the letters page makes it clear that Madureira is planning to return for an Elektra team-up in the future. That, alone, is enough to make me keep an eye on this series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 18, 2012

    It's also pleasing to see Joe Madureira's art improve a bit in the final act. Madueira's work was never lacking for energy or dynamism, but the lack of inks led to an unnecessarily flat and hazy quality. Madureira seems to flip between that approach and a more traditional inked style in this issue, but the overall impression is a better one. Assuming Madureira is still returning to the series in a few months, hopefully this issue will be an indication of what to expect. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Outer Realm Comics - Scotty Newton Jan 24, 2012

    Conclusion: A nice but partly anti climatic end to the first story arc of AvSM. It's obvious that this is a book that isn't taking itself too seriously and is for sheer entertainment purposes only, while the drama takes place over in Amazing. Joe Madureira's exaggerated, non-realistic art style fits perfectly in here, but a better cover would have attracted more sales! Not a great jumping on point for newcomers, unless you're a big Spiderphile, as the recaps not great and it would pay off to wait until next issues new story arc. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Carl Boehm Jan 18, 2012

    While not a must read, this is a fun read. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Jan 22, 2012

    This was a fun ride for this new ongoing series from Zeb Wells (Carnage U.S.A) and Joe Madureira (Battle Chasers). Leave your brain at the comic book shop when you read this, high on action and low on plot. What it lacks in story certainly makes up with the illustrations, I could stare at Madureiras art all day. The Rulk is as grumpy as the one true Hulk, Spider-Mans still a jokester and J.J Jameson is still a douchebag. Next for this title, Spidey teams up with Hawkeye. Not sure if Ill be there though, well see. From Marvel Comics. Read Full Review

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