Thor #78

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Scott Eaton Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Will the devastating attack of Desak, Destroyer of Gods, on the empire Thor has built unite the Odinson and his son, Magni? Who will wield the unstoppable hammer, Mjolnir?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell May 10, 2004

    The book also offers up a second unexpected development, with its big cliff-hanger moment, where we see the seemingly unstoppable Desak looks to have become even more powerful. Now this story has been going on for far longer than it should've, so there is a part of me that was a bit disappointed every time Desak revealed he's not even close to being put down, but I have to confess I was impressed by the displays of power, as Desak has become a threat that draws comparisons to the Celestials, while Prince Magni manages to show he's as courageous as his father, as he makes a continued effort to take down Desak even after he's given more than enough proof that he simply doesn't have the power needed to accomplish this task. As for the art, Scot Eaton manages to do a very impressive job of conveying the power levels that are being bandied about in this chapter. Read Full Review

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