Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #7

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Takeshi Miyazawa Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 10, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 6
8.4Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Spider-Man and his amazing friends, Iceman and the Human Torch, team up to help the newly powered Rick Jones deal with the crazy changes and responsibilities that come with...power. But what side of the coin is Rick Jones on? Is this the birth of a new hero? Or the birth of an ultimate…enemy?? Find out as the awesomely talented duo of BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS (DARK AVENGERS) and TAKESHI MIYAZAWA (RUNAWAYS) bring you a new revelation in ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN! Part one of a two-part story!! Rated T …$3.99

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Feb 11, 2010

    Another month and another fun issue of Ultimate Comics SpiderMan. This is a light, charming issue with solid character interaction and a take on Rick Jones that is surprisingly notannoying. The issue does lack the polish of the previous issues, but even a rough issue of this series is heads and tails above most comics on the stands this week. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 12, 2010

    Every month, this comic jumps to the top of my reading stack. It's funny, adventurous, surprising and always entertaining. In other words, it's the same kind of comic I enjoyed in the 1960s when it was called The Amazing Spider-Man. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Feb 11, 2010

    Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #7 continues the excellence of this title. It is hard to find a title that is more fun than Ultimate Comics Spider-Man. With the additions of Johnny and Bobby to Peters supporting cast this title has only gotten better as Bendis characterization of every character in the series is just spot on. It will be interesting to see where Bendis takes this Rick Jones/The Watcher storyline with the next issue. I highly recommend picking this issue and series up especially if you are a Spider-Man because you will not be disappointed with how fun this series is. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    IGN - Tim Lenaghan Feb 10, 2010

    Overall it looks like Bendis has another great addition to his ever-expanding arsenal of characters in this title. As the cast of this book continues to expand its comforting to see that the stories being told still retain their quality. Ultimate Spider-Man continues to keep the torch of the Ultimate Universe burning. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Feb 11, 2010

    The focus on Rick Jones takes away from the promising crammed Parker household and a chance to see what a house with four teenagers (three of them with superpowers) is like. That said, the Jones story is interesting and it allows Bendis to show a side of May not seen. "Ultimate Spider-Man" #7 is entertaining and fun, exactly how a teenage Spider-Man comic should be. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Feb 9, 2010

    In some ways, this feels like a fill-in story that exists as much to give David Lafuente the chance to get a head-start on the next arc as anything else. There's no reference to the scene from the end of last issue in which Kitty was revealed to be the Ultimate Shroud, and the reprise of the Rick Jones/Watcher subplot from Ultimate Origins feels rather sudden and abrupt. However, none of that really matters, because the heart of the story (teen superheroes try to help another super-powered teen to come to terms with his abilities) is so well-suited to the book and so comfortably handled by Bendis that by the end of the issue, you'll probably be finding yourself wishing that this arc was longer than just two issues. Read Full Review

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