Ultimate Fantastic Four #21

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Greg Land Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 13, 2005 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
8.0Critic Rating
7.4User Rating

Reed Richards has found a way to travel to an alternate Earth in another dimension. Being the imaginauts they are, the Fantastic Four set out on a mission of ultimate discovery -but discover the Marvel Zombies.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 2, 2005

    Greg Land does something new with his art, and while it looks lovely I have to say I'm not quite convinced that it's as good as the work I've seen from him in the past. Still there are some sections where the new style looks amazing, such as the opening shot where we see Ben is about to clobber a charging T-Rex, to the deeply unsettling quality of the final sequence as Reed explores the ruins. In fact as I looked back on the issue for the purpose of this review I have to say that I also became aware of how strong a job he had done when it came to the facial expressions of the characters, such as Sue's delight when she discusses the difference that 50 million years makes, and the collective reaction of the media to Reed's answer was also a cute visual. The technology on display in this issue was also pretty impressive, as there's a lovely looking shot of the team's new transportation, and Reed's lab is full of cool looking toys. However, the highlight image of the issue would have to be Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Jul 15, 2005

    However, its the closing pages of the book that will likely spark most debate, as it becomes clear that this definitely isnt the simple crossover between the Ultimate and Regular Marvel Universes that was rumoured for so long. Rather, the book suddenly takes a turn for the horrific, with Greg Land excelling himself as he provides imagery which recalls classic zombie movies or chilling horror flicks in its creation of a feeling of cold terror. Millars twist on the expectations of his Crossover story is a smart one, and one worth misleading the fans about in order to preserve the impact of this issues closing cliffhanger. One things for sure: as soon as you put down Ultimate Fantastic Four #21, youll be clamouring to see where Millar and Lands story goes from there. And theres perhaps no better tribute to a brand new creative team than that. Read Full Review

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